Hi, my name is David. I’m a computer science graduate with over 9 years of work experience in the information technology support field. I have a passion for problem-solving and exploring creative solutions. I love brainstorming with people in teams that push themselves toward excellence.
During my 12 years in the professional world, I discovered a passion for computer programming. While working full-time, I decided to take some part time courses at Ryerson University to see if programming would be a good fit for my future. In 2013, I completed a programming certificate at Ryerson. In 2017, I moved to Ottawa and enrolled in the full-time Honours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program at the University of Ottawa. I completed that program in April 2021.
In my spare time I like to tinker with various software and hardware projects. Some of these are listed in the Projects section of this website, including uSchedule and The Looking Glass.